Contact Details


(03) 5486 2474


Burns St, Lockington, VIC, 3563

Where to find us

Preferred contact methods


Calling the office on (03) 5486 2474 is often the quickest and most convenient way of contacting the school. Our office admin are incredibly friendly and happy to help you in any way they can. You can also contact any staff, however, please be mindful that they may be in class and unable to speak at that time, so they will call you back.


You can contact the office via the school email address for any general inquiries. Otherwise, each staff member has an email if you need to contact them individually, however Xuno is a preferred and easier method of contacting teaching staff.


Xuno is our central school system and our main form of communication with parents. Ensure you contact the office to get you set up on our platform, and you can enjoy all of the benefits that Xuno has to offer.

MESSAGING FUNCTION: You are able to message any staff member via this function. We prefer this as teachers receive an alert, and generally can respond to this in the most timely manner. This is the main way staff will communicate with families.


We always welcome parents and families into our school for a chat. If you are after one of the teaching staff, due to their busy schedules, not just when teaching but also during recess, lunch and extra curricular requirements, we ask that you call/organise in advance a time that suits both you and the teacher to meet face-to-face.