Workshop Model - How our Numeracy block looks!
Step #1: Fluency Task
For the first 10 minutes of each math session, student are to apply a range of mental computation strategies in the aim of becoming both more fluency and efficient in their numeracy processing. This will help them not only be more efficient with their numeracy skills, but learn and practice different ways of solving simple re-enforcement tasks.
Step #2: Hook
Before giving students the steps and explicit instruction of how to complete the lessons activities, we try to hook them in with a small challenge. This challenge will often tie in with the necessary skills required for the main activity, however students are challenged to solve it themselves or with their friends. This leads to outstanding collaborative discussions and reflection on different strategies, and then tunes them in for the explicit instruction during the mini lesson. These hooks are always really engaging and hands on to draw students in and make them eager to learn!
Step #3: Opening
During the opening, the teacher will explain to the class, what is the Learning Intention, and the Success Criteria. Essentially, what are we learning and why.
Step #4: Mini Lesson
The mini lesson is where the teacher will show and explain how to complete the task and give explicit instruction. This is a chance where the teacher can differentiate their instruction, to cater for all students. It is also a chance for the students to see the task in action, and ask questions along the way.
Step #5: Daily Session
The daily session is when all students go off and complete the task/s. Now is a change for them to apply what they have just learnt in a safe and supportive environment. Now the teacher has a chance to work with students either on the task, to assist further, or conference with students to give them 1-1 personal and explicit instruction. This is often the most rewarding teaching experience!
Step #6: Catch
During the daily session, the teacher will check in with students and determine how the lesson is progressing. Do students need more time/ instruction, extension and all of the wonderful things teachers can do on the spot. This is why we are luck at Lockington, as our teacher know ALL of their students and how to best cater for their learning.
Step #7: Debrief
Nearing the end of the lesson, students come back together and reflect on how they went with their task. Were they successful? Why/why not? This is a great chance for the students to ask further questions to clarify or extend their thinking. Teachers also get a chance to determine if the lesson was successful for all students. Here at LCS, we embrace 'failures', as long as they are reflected upon. What could we do next time and we learn from it. It is this growth mindset that has ensured all students come to LCS happy and ready to learn, along with some excellent results too!
Ways parents can help at home?
Use some of the following teaching resources at home
FREE online videos that can break down a whole heap of maths concepts in short videos. Recommended for Grades 1-6
Rob is a numeracy expert and consultant for schools worldwide. He excels in 'open-based' tasks and we adopt his inquiry approach to how we teach Numeracy at LCS. His website has heaps of fun resources
Essential Assessment
From Grades 1-6, we use Essential Assessment for both assessment and teaching purposes. Students receive point of need tasks and instruction based on their assessment results. Students can access and complete these at home.
Making Maths Purposeful
Learning is fun when it is purposeful. Whenever the chance arises, get you child to apply maths to real life. EG: determining change, cooking quantities etc...