Welcome to PIVOT
Pivot for
Teaching and Learning
Teaching and Learning
We get students to answer questions in regards to their teacher and the classroom environment. This is an anonymous space where they can share both what their teacher is doing well, and areas they feel their teacher could work on, in a safe and appropriate manner.
We do this once per term and the teacher unpacks the results with their class, to establish some goals that the teacher can work on. By doing so, we are not only providing a platform for even our quietest students to share their voice, but learning from what they have to say and then leading by example.
Pivot for
Every week all students complete a Wellbeing check-in survey where they answer questions based on how they are feeling and their emotions. This provides an opportunity for students to notify someone if they are struggling, or seek assistance if they require it.
On top of each teacher analysing how each student is coping each week, we have both our wellbeing coordinator, principal and leading teacher receiving alerts of when a student is struggling or has requested some support.
By employing these measures, we are able to remain pro-active in ensuring our students feel safe and happy at school.
Please refer to our Learning Interventions to see how we then take this initial response to a deeper intervention.
Our teachers set personal goals based on what their students feedback
Pivot can provide us with BOTH wellbeing data and teaching data
We ensure we unpack the PIVOT results with all students, and have a discussion with them so they can expand on their feedback.