Workshop Model - How our literacy block looks!

Step #1: Opening

During the opening, the teacher will explain to the class, what is the Learning Intention, and the Success Criteria. Essentially, what are we learning and why

Step #2: Mini Lesson

The mini lesson is where the teacher will show and explain how to complete the task and give explicit instruction. This is a chance where the teacher can differentiate their instruction, to cater for all students. It is also a chance for the students to see the task in action, and ask questions along the way.

Step #3: Daily Session

The daily session is when all students go off and complete the task/s. Now is a change for them to apply what they have just learnt in a safe and supportive environment. Now the teacher has a chance to work with students either on the task, to assist further, or conference with students to give them 1-1 personal and explicit instruction. This is often the most rewarding teaching experience!

Step #4: Catch

During the daily session, the teacher will check in with students and determine how the lesson is progressing. Do students need more time/ instruction, extension and all of the wonderful things teachers can do on the spot. This is why we are lucky at Lockington, as our teachers know ALL of their students and how to best cater for their learning.

Step #5: Debrief

Nearing the end of the lesson, students come back together and reflect on how they went with their task. Were they successful? Why/why not? This is a great chance for the students to ask further questions to clarify or extend their thinking. Teachers also get a chance to determine if the lesson was successful for all students. Here at LCS, we embrace 'failures', as long as they are reflected upon. What could we do next time and we learn from it. It is this growth mindset that has ensured all students come to LCS happy and ready to learn, along with some excellent results too!

Workshop Model.pdf

Workshop Model

This is the general order of most of our sessions. It has been gained from the philosophy of 'gradual release of responsibility', where teachers instruct to eventually allow all students to apply their learning.

Important teaching practices we use in the literacy block!


Reading Conferences

Modelled Reading

Shared Reading

Guided Reading

Independent Reading

Reciprocal Teaching

Lit Circles

Close Reading


Writing Conferences

Modelled Writing

Shared Writing

Interactive Writing

Guided Writing

Independent Writing

Ways parents can help at home!


  • Reading with your child

  • Ensuring your child is reading 3+ nights per week

  • Knowing your child's reading goal and how they can achieve it (speak with your child's teacher)

  • Monitoring the books/ medium they are reading

  • Giving book recommendations

  • Asking you child to summarise what they have read

  • Working on sounds/phonics/ tricky words

  • Looking up and finding out word meanings with your child (you don't have to be the expert, learn together!)


  • check in to see what writing units your child is completing at school

  • assisting with their spelling words at home and reinforcing the rule for that unit

  • ask your child to bring home their writing samples from school. Have a read and give positive feedback

  • teaching correct pen/pencil grip

  • identifying students writing goals and assisting at home with their goals

  • Make writing fun. Forcing your child to do long/strict writing pieces will develop a negative disposition towards their own writing

  • Encourage your child to keep a diary/journal

  • Reflect on their favourite authors and discuss their writing styles

  • Use lots of descriptive language and develop their vocabulary