Year 6 to Year 7 Transition
Transitioning into secondary school can often be a daunting time for both students and their families. Here at LCS, we aim to make the transition to high school as easy as possible, by communicating with both families and secondary schools the necessary information, enrolment dates and answering any questions you may have.
Our main purpose however, is to help students deal with the anxiety of their transition process, by providing them with opportunities such as:
Extra curricular days at some of our feeder secondary schools,
Visits from Yr 7 students to explain the process and their own experiences (often former LCS students)
Organising a Meet & Greet from all secondary schools transition coordinators, to come and give a presentation to prospective students, showing them their school, their systems and structures as well as answering any questions the students may have.
Encouraging students and families to go on open days and school tours, to get a feel for what will be most suitable for their child.
Provide student support groups (involving the secondary school) for students who are experiencing high anxiety levels.
Touching base with each Grade 6 student, to allow them opportunities to discuss what they are excited about, or nervous about. Often talking about how they are feeling and helping them understand their emotions are natural is a great way to relieve some of their anxiety.
Information for parents and carers on how to enrol and support their child moving from primary to secondary school. In Victoria, students normally start secondary school when they reach Year 7.
Steps to enrol your child in secondary school
If your child is seeking a place in Year 7 at a secondary school next year, you will need to visit the department's "Moving from primary to secondary school" page then:
download the 'Placement Information Pack for Government School Parents and Carers' or you can also download the ‘Year 6 to Year 7 Application Form for Government School Parents and Carers’ as a stand alone document in landscape orientation (both documents available end of term 1, 2024). Lockington Consolidated School will also send a copy of the pack and form home at the start of Term 2.
use Find my School to locate your local secondary school or preferred school, and read about Enrolling in school.
complete the Application Form and return it to your child's primary school by Friday 10 May 2024.
If your secondary school preferences include a school or schools that are not your designated neighbourhood school, you should read about School zones and how they work and how applications are prioritised using the Department’s Placement Policy, as outlined on the Enrolling in school webpage.
Year 7 placement is decided by secondary schools. However, all communication about your child's placement must be with the Year 6 Coordinator or Transition Coordinator at Lockington Consolidated School until the placement is confirmed.
You will receive notification of your child's Year 7 placement offer on Wednesday 17 July 2024.
All government secondary schools will host a Year 7 Orientation Day (for Year 6 students) on Tuesday 10 December.
Moving to a non-government secondary school or registering for home schooling
Contact the secondary school to find out their enrolment process.
Visit Catholic Education Commission of Victoria and Independent Schools Victoria to find Catholic and independent schools.
For home schooling, find out about the requirements and how to register your child for home schooling.
For more information, visit the department's Moving from Primary to Secondary School website