Wellbeing is our #1 priority here at LCS!

Lockington Consolidated School has a strong focus on student wellbeing. We want our students to feel valued, accepted and connected. We are supporting students to be able to recognise, reflect and monitor their own wellbeing.

With a Wellbeing leader 3 days a week we are able to cater support to the students needs. The school wellbeing leader works with students, individually or in small groups to develop skills and strategies at their point of need.

Students are supported in many different aspects of wellbeing including; conflict resolution, social skills, anxiety and regulating emotions.

As a school we regularly seek feedback from the students regarding their wellbeing through surveys and class discussions. This has given us the ability to be able to identify students who may be struggling or require some extra support and implement programs/supports for their individual needs.

The wellbeing leader works closely with staff, students and their families to ensure that we are working as a team to support the needs of the students.

Here are some of the programs / initiatives that we have to support the wellbeing of ALL students here at LCS!

If you would like more information, then please contact us here at school and we are happy to unpack this even further!

Wellbeing @ Lockington Consolidated School

Our kindness wall

Our Admin staff leading from the front

Projects all on wellbeing

Our Wellbeing nook

Our wellbeing room

Our teachers demonstrating gratefulness with each other

Our inspired students creating their own quote wall

Instilling important values early on in Prep

Community Kindness & engagements

Grade 6 Buddy program

Our SWPBS shop

Everlasting friendships

A committed and dedicated staff who prioritise the wellbeing of all of our students!